Feb 11, 2011

Back to normal!

Okay, back to the subject at hand...I am now rested and energized so I'll go crazy and post a something lenghty... My subjects for today will be, how to be sneaky and how to make traps....\

How to be sneaky:

Now, most people can't be sneaky since they don't have the patience and the discipline to forgo unnecessary movements or sounds. Being sneaky is a delicate art in which you must see all but be seen by none and this, in and by itself, is difficult. The first thing you'll need is camouflage, you can buy clothing already made for this type of thing so no problem there(I heard that ninja boots are great for sneaking....go figure)  but what happens when you DON'T have that type of camouflage readily available? Well that's easily rectified....you just have to look around your surroundings, what type of surrounding is it, what's the most predominant color all type of things and after analyzing these factors then you can effectively create a camouflage that can fool all. I'd like to point out that if a zombie is chasing then you must determine how he is persecuting you, look at their movement, is it by sight, is it by smell, is it by hearing? If it's by sight then a simple camouflage should do the trick, if it's by smell then you have to either mark your sent in your sorroundings, so it isn't inmediately apparent where you are or maybe mask yourself with natural smells from the place, and if it's by hearing then you have to be very, VERY quiet.

Use mud, leaves and other things to disguise yourself as a part of nature, take off watches or anything that can reflect light, breath slowly, DON'T MOVE(this one is very important) and when you DO move, do it slowly while always watchful for any unnatural movements,,,,brown, black and green are probably the most common colors in nature so clothing in that color might be especially useful. Also I'd like to add that if you are being persecuted by an actual human being, rational, who's looking for you for some reason or another then you have to be EXTRA EXTRA careful, since they won't be easily fooled. Also you could look at videos of predators sneaking towards their prey, here's an example;

Bet you you didn't see it, right? Yeah me neither, that Tiger is big and orange in a field of green yet he was INVISIBLE, so we can all learn something from nature's master predators. Sorry this post wasn't so long bu I hope you enjoyed it, see you next post and remember to WATCH OUT FOR ZOMBIES!


  1. Very well done! I think I may have to get me a pair of those ninja boots!

  2. That was insane, I watched it the first time and it made me physically jump. I then watched it a second time and still couldnt see it coming!

  3. haha I don't think I plan on smearing mud all over myself and running out into a field just yet, but this will be great advice once the undead rise in 2012!

  4. I feel bad for laughing at that vid.

  5. omg when i first saw this video i was tripping out on wtf just happen! i actually felt bad for a while. its funny how he tries to retaliate with his secret stick throw attack lol. however after further research of this video i found out that the tiger was shot and killed instantly. so now idk how to feel about this.

  6. Wow, that tiger came from nowhere. Amazing animals aren't they.

  7. Keep up the good work. Your blog may save lives someday.

  8. That video is crazy, lol came outta no where

  9. Wow, I seriously wouldn't want to be that guy on the elephant.

  10. Yeah that video made me laugh. But glad all is normal.

  11. Holy shi- o.o Lol'd, but really...

  12. Haha, actually good advice.

  13. i think i watched that on animal planet.

  14. I think being sneaky is in my dna. I always sneak up on people without even trying to. Oh well, it's a great perk I have :)

  15. is the drawing at the top of your blog from the walking dead? Also I really like your blog followed

  16. I seriously thought the tiger was going to rip his throat out

  17. haha if zombies take over the world we'll be ok coz everyone will have thunderguns

  18. I like tigers! :D I want a cub tiger but I think its illegal :(

  19. i watched two times. WTF. Damn, damn.
