Feb 7, 2011

It's all about the teamwork, baby.

. = ;D

Well okay, first of all I want to ask you guys for feedback and if you have any suggestions as to where this blog should go  or any questions you might want answered or something then please don't be afraid to ask.

Okay, the topic I chose for today was none other than; TEAMWORK!

Teamwork...........something so simple yet so important, and most people don't even KNOW how to work as a team. Okay in the upcoming zombie apocalypse the only person you can REALLY trust is yourself but that doesn't mean that you can't help each other out. Most people have a knack for being selfish and, I'm my opinion, it has become so ingrained into the human condition that they don't even notice that selfishness. People stopped caring after each other a long time ago and most of them would kill another just to advance themselves in some way(be it a job, etc.) so that calls for drastic training! You know that that annoying bastard that lives above you has a well deserved death warrant signed by you, but hey it's the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! People deserve a chance and still if the shit hits the fan you can use your teammates as distractions. But seriously, you have to watch each others backs since you just might be the last hope humanity has left......now a template for a nice team.

You: This is stupid.....you're stupid! Nah but seriously you need yourself in your team....that goes without saying I think.

The Weapons Expert/SoldierDude; This person(doesn't necessarily have to be a  guy but let's pretend he is) is probably a soldier who was on leave when the zombie outbreak began, he is probably the most important person you will need in your team. Why, you might ask? Simple, this person knows about guns and you probably don't. Also being he a soldier, he'll probably know where and how to get weapons plus he'll have some stashed somewhere which is a plus, adding to that the fact that he knows survival trainin and is most of the time leader material makes him essential so as to not everybody FUCKS UP. If you are this person then good for you, replace the "You" member with some random black guy.

The broad; This is a chick and by chick I mean a woman, not a small chicken since it'll be hard to fuck a chicken.....but you're welcome to try. Moving on, she's only there for the sake of two things only, which are freaking the fuck out and reproduction(this'll be hard) She's probably a college student visiting her folks when the shit hit the fan, you rescue her and she'll join your group. She will inevitable fall for the soldier dude unless she's into awkward, nerdy, can't do anything for themselves types of dude which in that case you're in luck! Anyways she'll probably be useless most of the time(sorry for any girls that might be reading, just know that this is basic and subject to change) yet she is almost as important as you, meaning that when you finally escape the zombie infected hellhole you're going to need a means to reproduce yourselves......enter the broad(giggity giggity, allllllll right!)

Random Black Guy; The random black guy is the essential part of your weapons arsenal since he functions as a distraction for when the zombies find you, he is replaceable yet should be used sparingly. Also any type of background this person might have is inconsequential.

Thug; This is probably a guy fresh out of prison, so he'll probably be black. Do not confuse him with the random black guy since the thug is bad ass and very useful in his own right, he will be very cold on the outside but a softie on the inside. At some point he might even tell you his story complete with sobs and regrets. The thug will be the first one to dish morality since he knows it will only serve to drag him down and put him in danger, doing things you would never dream of doing......which makes him bad ass.

The Alice; This chick will have superpowers and will be able to kick major ass while she defies gravity,,,,,just kidding.

The family; Probably consisting of two to three people, these people will never adapt to the zombie apocalypse and they will probably die gruesome deaths as you laugh maniacally at their demise. I'm not kidding.

Last but not least, your best friend; This is probably one of the most important members since he'll probably back you up whenever you come up with a crappy plan urging everyone else to follow your lead. He'll keep you sane yet he will probably turn out to be a coward in the end and leave you to die, only to be attacked by ravenous zombies farther ahead as you continue walking with contempt in your eyes.

This is a BASIC list of the most probable members you will find in your typical zombie apocalypse team, learn to protect them but in the end....remember those that are expendable and those that aren't....

Also, just so you know that I'm not crazy and this is REAL here are some comparison clips between the Umbrella T-virus and Avon's Derma-Full

                                                                       Resident Evil


So comment your thoughts and also, watch out for zombies!


  1. Sorry but is that the DoT of Death?!?

  2. I laughed at the Random Black Guy... haha great read though!

  3. haha, pretty funny stuff man nice job. nice vids too lol

  4. this was so entertainment and really funny compering the thug and family...the thug will prevail lol.

  5. duh just take a boat out and wait for the zombies to starve. can zombies starve??

  6. ....I feel sorry for the random black guy~. If your in a team with survivors of a zombie outbreak everyone is valuable.

  7. lol useful advice. Especially if there actually is a zombie apocolyspe. Teamwork is very important. Following btw

  8. I've got a friend that makes guides of what to do in case of zombie attack (crazy guy)!

  9. Love the RE videos. Resident Evil is just fantastic.

  10. wow. youre really ready for this apocalypse.. are you one of those ones who actually hopes it comes?

  11. All you need is this blog and knowledge of Left 4 Dead to survive XD haha following! :)

  12. Nice job, and btw, your banner scared me :(

  13. I'll keep this in mind for when the dead start walking around, thanks. ha

  14. as long as the zombies aren't like the ones from 28 days later we have a good chance

  15. That Avon ad clicked instantly as TVIRUS GTFO GOGOGO in my head.

  16. Laughed so hard at the random black guy. The ultimate decoy!

  17. Haha awesome stuff, I'll have to find you in the event of a zombie apocalypse.

  18. Well, at least I know where to refer to if/when the zombies come out. Cheers!

  19. Pretty awesome blog. New follower


  20. i really like the direction you are taking this blog. i need to keep up on the zombie happenings. following


  21. Everything is about teamwork with zombies! and real life ^.~

  22. XD nice post dude and yea, everyone needs the random black guy hahaha

  23. so avon is selling the damn virus

  24. haha awesome stuff. I plan on joining the zombies and hunting humanity down.
